Agastache foeniculum plant characteristics. Click on a characteristic from the list below to see a list of other plants that share that characteristic. Plant Type
Agastache foeniculum, commonly known as anise hyssop, is an upright, clump-forming perennial of the mint family that is native to parts of the upper Midwest and Great Plains (Wisconsin to Ontario west to British Columbia and south to Colorado).
Lamiaceae. Trädgårdsplaner för Agastache; Fler sorter för Hyssop; Plantera isop med Agastache foeniculum bär upprättstående kolonner med purpurblåa blommor på BLOMNING: Juni-Sept · Agastache rugosa 'Little Adder' 2L Koreansk anisisop Agastache rugosa BEELICOUS PURPLE 'Agapd' 2L Koreansk anisisop Agastache foeniculum, commonly known as anise hyssop, is an upright, clump-forming perennial of the mint family that is native to parts of the upper Midwest and Great Plains (Wisconsin to Ontario west to British Columbia and south to Colorado). It is typically found in prairies, dry upland forested areas, plains and fields. It grows to 2-4' tall.
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FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Agastache foeniculum is an upright perennial with light green angular stems. Plants are clothed in lovely anise scented leaves. In summer, lavender to purple flower spikes draw a crowd of bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Plants thrive in sunny well drained sites.
Details A. foeniculum is an upright, deciduous perennial forming a clump of leafy stems.
En höstblommande perenn med doftande bladverk. Blommorna är blålila och uppskattas av fjärilar och humlor. Inte så Köp Anisisop hos oss!
– giant hyssop. Species.
20 Dec 2012 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N). A 2-4 ft. perennial with dense, terminal spikes of small, tubular, bright blue flowers. Leaves are opposite,
Jordtemp C minimum, 15°. Jordtemp C optimum, 18-20°. Frökvalitet 11 juli 2012 — Anisisop, Agastache foeniculum, har sina hemtrakter i Nordamerika.
Trädgårdsplaner för Agastache; Fler sorter för Hyssop; Plantera isop med Agastache foeniculum bär upprättstående kolonner med purpurblåa blommor på
BLOMNING: Juni-Sept · Agastache rugosa 'Little Adder' 2L Koreansk anisisop Agastache rugosa BEELICOUS PURPLE 'Agapd' 2L Koreansk anisisop
Agastache foeniculum, commonly known as anise hyssop, is an upright, clump-forming perennial of the mint family that is native to parts of the upper Midwest and Great Plains (Wisconsin to Ontario west to British Columbia and south to Colorado). It is typically found in prairies, dry upland forested areas, plains and fields. It grows to 2-4' tall.
Common Name: anise hyssop, fragrant giant hyssop, lavender giant hyssop. Habitat: Cultivated and perhaps Essential oils and headspace of 14 different clones of Agastache foeniculum were obtained by hydrodistillation and by purging the plant material with nitrogen Agastache foeniculum. Anise Hyssop. Agastache foeniculum. Agastache '' Overview.
A. foeniculum, with leaf blades whitened on the lower surface by dense, minute hairs and mid-stem leaves usually with petioles 10-15 mm long).
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Agastache foeniculum, česky agastache anýzová, je léčivá rostlina pocházející ze Severní Ameriky. Patří do čeledi Lamiaceae – hluchavkovité. Agastache anýzová je trvalka dorůstající do výšky 80-100 cm. Kvete od července do září modro-fialovou barvou, která láká včely i motýly.
Agastache foeniculum =('Rugosa') (Dropplant) is een aromatisch bloeiende plant.
Anis Hyssop Plant (Agastache Foeniculum) flerårig, klumpformande, upprätt, fyrkantiga stjälkar, alternativa äggformade blad, aromatiska. [DETALJER]
5 5 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star (12 reviews) Write review. 9cm pot £7.99 Checkbox. in stock (shipped within 5-7 working days) 3 × 9cm pots £23.97 £21.00 Checkbox.
Augalas daugiametis, žolinis, 60-110 cm aukščio. Stiebas status, keturbriaunis, tuščiaviduris, šakotas. Lapai priešiniai, pjūkliškai karpytais kraštais, pailgai širdiški. Agastache foeniculum heeft zacht behaard blad en geurt naar anijs, de paarse schutblaadjes zorgen na de bloei nog voor lange tijd voor kleur. Matig winterhard maar kan de winter doorkomen mits droge grond, beschut en een winterdekking.