10 Jun 2018 When Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer Thor Heyerdahl set sail from Peru on a makeshift wooden raft very few people gave him any 


The Kon-Tiki Museum, Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway. 8,599 likes · 64 talking about this · 24,621 were here. Closed due to Corona-restrictions. The original Kon-Tiki raft (1947) and reed ship Ra II (1970)

Bring towels, swim suits, sunscreen and cameras. Boutique and snack bar available on board. Great Tour for 3 year olds to 83 years old. Johan Söderqvist - 14.Building the Raft(Kon-Tiki Original Soundtrack) 2016-03-18 A tiny raft called the KON TIKI - South American Raft Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist Thor Heyerdahl suspected that the South Sea islands had been settled by an ancient race from South America.

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Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist  Kon-Tiki is the record of an astonishing adventure--a journey of 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean by raft. Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist  The Kon-Tiki sails again! Raft is recreated 70 years after voyage. Team of Norwegian and Peruvian explorers will set out from Peruvian  4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean on the Kon-Tiki raft.

The technique won over HanWay’s Thomas, who’s no The Kon-Tiki Museum, Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway. 8,614 likes · 128 talking about this · 24,610 were here.

2 days ago

Kjøp boken Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft av Thor Heyerdahl (ISBN 9780833513861) hos Adlibris.com. Kon-Tiki is the record of an astonishing adventure -- a journey of 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean by raft.

Kon tiki raft

In 1947, a handmade raft, Kon-Tiki, recreated the impossible journey made by ancestors of Polynesian Island residents. Under command of Norwegian Thor 

Boutique and snack bar available on board. Great Tour for 3 year olds to 83 years old.

Kon tiki raft

I don't have the Kon-Tiki book, but in my Ra book there is a nice colour photo of the Heathkit equipment. I wonder about the transmitter on the Kon-Tiki. Could it be a simple homebrew type with a oscillator valve and a 6L6 in the output, and only CW mode?
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Kon tiki raft

(30 Oct 2015) The two wooden rafts to be used in the Kon-Tiki 2 expedition were "christened" with champagne on Friday in Peru's Callao port.The vessels, name The Kon-Tiki2 expedition consists of two balsa rafts built according to old principles, in the same way as Thor Heyerdahl’s Kon-Tiki raft. The two rafts sailed before Christmas from Peru to Easter Island, which took six weeks. They started the return voyage to South America on 6 January 2016. Kon Tiki Raft Race 8/22 Show more 59 photos · 1,449 views Kon-Tiki (2012) *** (out of 4) Visually stunning telling of explorer Thor Heyerdahl's (Pal Sverre Hagen) epic and now legendary journey traveling nearly 5,000 miles from Peru to Polynesia in a wooden raft.

We played spot the fish under the boat. The raft was made from balsa wood.
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Fenders. Fuel funnel. Gangway. deposit of 600 euro in case a client asks for a skipper, the charter deposit insurance is mandatory, €450. WI-FI Internet connection on boat 5GB per week, €50  Kon Tiki -- Bok 9780671726522 The Kon-Tiki Expedition by Raft Across the South Seas · Thor Heyerdahl Häftad. Read Books, 2011. Jämför priser Kon Tiki (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack).

On 28 April 1947 Thor and five other men left Callao in Peru on a balsawood raft called the Kon-Tiki, destined for Polynesia. The raft ran aground on the Raroia 

Drawing bu Erik  parrot on a balsa raft across the Pacific Ocean the classic journey of discovery was re-invented for generations to come.

Kon Tiki Party Raft St. Thomas, Honeymoon Beach - Water Island Cruise gently through the beautiful, calm harbor of Charlotte Amalie while sipping unlimited tropical drinks and listening to great calypso music, played by a native steel band. 2 dagar sedan · Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft Summary & Study Guide Thor Heyerdahl This Study Guide consists of approximately 44 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Kon-Tiki. Kon-Tiki and the Ra expeditions. I don't have the Kon-Tiki book, but in my Ra book there is a nice colour photo of the Heathkit equipment. I wonder about the transmitter on the Kon-Tiki.