2019 (English) In: Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth / [ed] Johannes Lunneblad, London: Springer , 2019, p. 53-70 Chapter in book (Refereed) Abstract [en] In this chapter, we take interest in a specific part of the extensive changes that have been made in the governance of Swedish education during the last two decades: the increase of legal regulations.


Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Sweden.Educational Philosophy and Theory (Epub Ahead of Print). DOI10.1080/00131857.2017.1401464. A few source references have been added,and certain passages have been abbreviated, while others have been elaborated.Stylistic considerations have led to further editorial adjustments.

Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and 2019 (English) In: Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth / [ed] Johannes Lunneblad, London: Springer , 2019, p. 53-70 Chapter in book (Refereed) Abstract [en] In this chapter, we take interest in a specific part of the extensive changes that have been made in the governance of Swedish education during the last two decades: the increase of legal regulations. Judit Novak – Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Swedish School Inspection 2021-04-02 Juridification can be seen as a strategy of compensatory legitimation. Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and practice. More specifically, the aim of this chapter is to study how juridification of education conditions teachers’ work on the knowledge and values expressed in national policy documents.

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2014 (English) In: European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Network 23, in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5, 2014., 2014, p. 1-3 Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed) Place, publisher, year, edition, pages 2014. p. 1-3 Maria Rosén is a PhD student in Education since 2017. Her project is on the ambivalence of juridification in relation to democratic education, with the legislation on discrimination and degrading treatment as an empirical focus. Rosén is doing her research within the fields of philosophy of education, curriculum theory and education policy.

In Sweden this is evident in how student rights have become more prominent in governing education. Rejmer, A & Carlsson, B 1998, The Swedish Way of Dealing with Custody Disputes: Juridification and Professionalisation of the Private and Social Spheres. i B Carlsson (red.), Social Steerage and Communicative Action: essays in sociology of law.

Juridification As Governing In Education: The Swedish SchoolsInspectorate As An Example European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Network 23, in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5, 2014. : 1-3 Hult, Agneta; Segerholm, Christina

På engelska skrivs begreppet oftast ”juridification” (Blichner & Molander 2005). Increased regulation by law, specification of laws and individual legal entitlements has been described as processes of juridification.

Juridification svenska

Svenska skolan i London -. Flytta till Julmarknad/Christmas Fair 2019 - Svenska kyrkan i London PDF) Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of .

Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Religion, Human Rights, Juridification'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Human Rights Arts & Humanities In doing so, we argue that the juridification of school bullying serves to apportion blame to the individual school children involved, without adequately accounting for the importance of dominant gendered societal norms and the extent to which school bullying may often be a form of ‘normative cruelty’ that is socially learned and underpinned by dominant gendered discourses. Professor i Allmän rättslära, Håkan Gustafsson har med en recension av Judit Novaks avhandling, Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Swedish School Inspection, i senaste numret av Svensk Juristtidning. Akademien för insolvensrätt höll ett lyckat seminarium med advokaten Björn Hurtig om samtyckeslagen. Loick, D. (2014).

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Her project is on the ambivalence of juridification in relation to democratic education, with the legislation on discrimination and degrading treatment as an empirical focus. Rosén is doing her research within the fields of philosophy of education, curriculum theory and education policy. More specifically, the article adapts the multidimensional notion of juridifica-tion outlined by Anders Molander and Lars Christian Blichner in their article ‘Mapping Juridification’ (2008; 14 European Law Journal 36), and develops it into a more context-specific notion of juridification that is attendant to the specific nature of religion as a subject matter for law.

229 ff. was talk of the juridification of politics and the politicization of the law, which. 3 Oct 2017 on social control in wildlife crime, the juridification of hunting issues, the Publisher: Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish  Novak “Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Swedish School “ Juridik och rättsvetenskap i socialt arbete”, Svensk juristtidning nr 8 2009, s. 13 jul 2020 Det är lärarsituationen och det svenska skolsystemet på nationell nivå som står i Novak, Judit (2018).
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Ishockeyns affärer: en jämförelse mellan svensk och finsk elitishockey The progress of SHL Sport Ltd, in light of 'Americanization', juridification and hybridity.

The  Pronunciation of Juridification with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Slovak Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Turkish Vietnamese Welsh All Languages. Engelsk översättning av 'betyder' - svenskt-engelskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från svenska till engelska gratis online. 25 Oct 2019 The Swedish supreme courts as part of the public administration, rather than 405–407 Google Scholar; and Dean, H.V., 'The Juridification of  Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Swedish School Inspection. Judit Novak har i sin avhandling bland annat analyserat hur rektorer manövrerar   have focused on projects concerning state/civil society relations, individual right, the juridification of politics, the Nordic model and the Swedish social contract,  5 stjärnor av 5 möjliga. (2). Häftad ⋅ Svenska ⋅ 2018.

Juridifieringen inom den svenska skolan har blivit tydligare ge-nom den nya skollagen och Skolinspektionens verksamhet. Men hur juridifieringen verkar i skolorna, hur rättsregler och rättstillämpning hanteras och tar fäste i skolaktörernas arbete och hur det påverkar deras relationer till elever och deras vårdnadshavare, saknas det fort -

ECR I-11767; Case C-346/06,  IN ENGLISH · PÅ SVENSKA The aim of this article is to analyse juridification and standardisation as two legal dimensions We provide a framework for how the concepts of juridification and standardisation might be  Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Swedish School Inspection. Judit Novak har i sin avhandling bland annat analyserat hur rektorer manövrerar  Sök bland 99301 avhandlingar från svenska högskolor och universitet på Juridification of Educational Spheres : The Case of Swedish School Inspection. Uppsatser om JURIDIFICATION. Sök bland över 30000 uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet på Uppsatser.se - startsida för uppsatser, stipendier  (Engelska)Ingår i: Educational Philosophy and Theory, ISSN 0013-1857, E-ISSN 1469-5812, Vol. 51, nr 12, s. 1262-1272Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)  in Swedish education policy on the area of equal treatment. We distinguish conceptually between juridification of and in education and propose a conceptual  av S Carlbaum · Citerat av 8 — Keywords: appeal, juridification, Lundsberg, school choice, school inspection, student rights.

Jurisdiktionen är begränsad till ett geografiskt område eller till vissa personer eller ett visst sakområde. som ”juridification as law’s expansion and differentiation” respektive ”legal framing” (s 36). Begrepp och principer som rättssäkerhet och rättighet används inom forskning som rör utbildning (Berg 2003, s 143). Vilken betydelse begreppen har kan vara oklart (se Persson 2004, s 110). Ytterligare Juridification and choice of education. Consequences of student rights. Increased regulation by law, specification of laws and individual legal entitlements has been described as processes of juridification.