of Museum and Library Services. Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library. Machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.


OCR Mathematics: 4724/01 Core Mathematics 4: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2017 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4725/01 Further Pure Maths 1: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2017 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4726/01 Further Pure Maths 2: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2017 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4727

The A, M and B annotations must be used on your standardisation scripts for responses that are not awarded either 0 or full marks. 4724 Mark Scheme June 2005 c = ln 80 k = 1/5 ln 5/3 = 20 + 80e 3 t 5 5 1 ln (iii) Substitute = 68 32 t = 15.75 Extra time = 10.75, their 15.75 5 A1 M1 A1 k ] Accept 15.7 or 15.8 f.t. only if = their (68 32) or 32 13 M1 A1 8 B1 3 AG Subst into AEF of given eqn & solve 50 Unit 4724: Core Mathematics 4 OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of candidates of all ages and abilities. ALevelMathsRevision.com Implicit Differentiation Exam Questions (From OCR 4724) Q1, (Jun 2007, Q6) Q2, (Jan 2008, Q6) 4724 Mark Scheme January 2008 14 5 (i) Use 3i 4j + 2k and 2i j 5k only M1 Use correct method for scalar prod of any2 vectors M1 (indep) May be as part of a b a.b cos Obtain 6 + 4 10, state = 0 & deduce perp AG A1 3 Unit 4724: Core Mathematics 4 Advanced GCE Mark Scheme for June 2014.

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4725, 3:44:  the OCR number stated on the payment form. decreased from SEK 8,296 million in 2008 to SEK 4,724 million in 2009, a decrease of SEK 3,572 million, or. Kolumn4717, Kolumn4718, Kolumn4719, Kolumn4720, Kolumn4721, Kolumn4722, Kolumn4723, Kolumn4724, Kolumn4725, Kolumn4726, Kolumn4727  J. Hyg.r 4724,7949.

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[4] (ii) Find the position vector of the point Q on lsuch that OQ is perpendicular to l. [4] OCR is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge. © OCR 2009 4724 Jun09 MATHEMATICS 4724 Core Mathematics 4 Candidates answer on the answer booklet. OCR supplied materials: • 8 page answer booklet (sent with general stationery) • List of Formulae (MF1) Other materials required: • Scientific or graphical calculator Friday 14 January 2011 Afternoon Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes * * 4 4 7 7 2 2 4 4 * * INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Q1, (OCR 4724, Jun 2006, Q8i) Q32, (OCR 4724, Jun 2012, Q7) Q3, (OCR 4724, Jun 2016, Q2) Q7, (OCR 4724, Jun 2011, Q9) Q8, (Edexcel 6666, Jun 2009, Q8) Q9, (Edexcel 6666, Jan 2011, Q6) Q10, (Edexcel 6666, Jun 2011, Q7) (ii) Obtain integral of form k(3x + Obtain correct i(3x + Substitute limits O and 2 and attempt evaluation Ml any constant k or equlv Read Ocr 4724 Summer 2013 Past Paper PDF on our digital library. You can read Ocr 4724 Summer 2013 Past Paper PDF direct on your mobile phones or PC. As per our directory, this eBook is listed as O4S2PPPDF-107, actually introduced on 0 Jan, 2021 and then take about 1,632 KB data size.

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